Video from eBella Apparel on Vimeo.
As a result of COVID-19, non-medical Face Masks has quickly evolved and immersed into our daily lives. No longer it is used exclusively by doctors, dentists, construction workers, surgeons etc. It is mandated by many states, highly recommended by just about every health professionals and widely adopted as the single most effective means to stop/slow the spread of the virus. Given overwhelming scientific data, it is prudent for everyone to wear a Face Mask to protect others and ourselves.
By now, most everyone have bought a mask and well aware of its importance. However, most might not be aware of how to properly use it or care for it. To this end, we're including Care Instructions for Face Masks.
** Please wash your cotton mask prior to wearing for the first time **
Cloth Face Coverings should:
- fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
- be secured with ties or ear loops
- include multiple layers of fabric
- allow for the breathing without restriction
- be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape
Should cloth face coverings be washed or otherwise cleaned regularly? How regularly? A: Yes! They should be routinely washed depending on the frequency of use.
How does one safely sterilize/clean a cloth face covering? A: A washing machine should suffice in properly washing a face covering.
How does one safely remove a used cloth face covering? A: Individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose and mouth when removing their face covering and WASH HANDS immediately after removing.
Additionally, we're including some instruction to adhere during this time of crisis. Please visit for more detailed information.
Protect yourself while shopping - Stay at least 6 ft away from others while shopping and in lines. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when you have to go out in public. When you do have to visit in person, go during hours when fewer people will be there (for example, early morning or late night). If you are at higher risk for severe illness, find out if the store has special hours for people at higher risk. If they do, try to shop during those hours. People at higher risk for severe illness include adults 65 or older and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions. Disinfect the shopping cart, use disinfecting wipes if available.
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth - If possible, use touchless payment (pay without touching money, a card, or a keypad). If you must, use a hand sanitizer right after paying.
Use hand sanitizer - After leaving the store, use hand sanitizer.
At Home - When you get home, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Follow food safety guidelines: clean, separate, cook, chill. There is no evidence that food or food packaging play a significant role in spreading the virus in the United States.